Keynote Speaker | Workshops | Consulting

Psychological Safety in Construction?

Avoid accidents by building a safer, mentally healthy & engaged workforce and get the job done

Find out how to NAIL it!

Disgruntled Worker Syndrome – dɪsˈɡrun.t̬əld//ˈwurː.ker/ sɪin.drom – noun

1. Someone who works in a particular job and is unhappy, annoyed, and/or disappointed about something and displays a type of negative behavior or mental state to express their dissatisfaction.

2. The display of chronic job related dissatisfaction directed at a specific person or group of people, compensation or career opportunities within the organization, and/or the organization itself.


Not having an event but you’re struggling with the stability of your workforce? I can help you figure out how to get your people more engaged and mentally fit so risks like costly accidents and delays decrease.

Workshops & Training

Trainings & Workshops can be customized to individual client needs and include topics in Mental Health and Wellbeing, Communication and Team Dynamics, Leadership and Management, Employee Engagement, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging and ESG Reporting and Strategy such as:

  • Combating Loneliness
  • Mental Health Awareness and Management
  • Mindfulness and Well-being Practices for Remote Workers
  • Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
  • Effective Communication in Virtual Teams
  • Interactive Virtual Team-Building Activities
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Global Teams
  • Virtual Team Building
  • Sustainable & Transparent Leadership Practices
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence for Remote Leaders
  • The Benefits of Upward and Downward Feedback
  • Bring Your Whole Self to Work: Managing Conflicts
  • Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
  • Employee Engagement

This list contains examples of past programs but we can adjust the program to focus on your specific needs.

Workshops Provide Practical Learning Resulting in Greater Success?

What are some ways workshops are helpful?

Increases Awareness

Workshops provide a platform for employees to learn about various aspects of Disgruntled Worker Syndrome, mental health, and belonging including recognizing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. This awareness can help individuals identify when they or their colleagues may need support.

Reduces Stigmas

By fostering open conversations about psychological struggles in the workplace, workshops help reduce the stigma associated with seeking support. Employees feel more comfortable discussing their challenges and seeking assistance when needed

Improved Productivity

When employees feel psychologically safe and supported, they are more likely to be engaged and productive at work. By addressing psychological safety concerns and providing resources for support, workshops contribute to a healthier and more motivated workforce.



Coaching is invaluable for leaders as it fosters self-awareness, enhances communication skills, and empowers them to effectively navigate challenges while nurturing the potential of their team members.

Do you understand your impact on the actions of your team?

Through leadership coaching, you can master a management style that allows for mistakes, empathizes with flexibility needs, actively listens to your people, creates innovative inclusion, and makes it truly safe for people to take chances – all while providing excellent service to your clients.

When you master your leadership style with wellbeing and social governance in mind, your whole organization improves as a result.

Become the leader you want to be with a coach who wants to see you win.


Workplace Culture Review

  • HR Risks
    These include evaluating attrition, absenteeism, law suits, and accidents
  • Initiatives
    Next we assess what initiatives you offer employee to assist their wellbeing
  • Benefits
    Then we review the benefits and not just health, but also mental health and financial benefits
  • Survey
    Then we execute an employee pulse survey to determine what's working and where there are gaps

When considering our workplace wellbeing culture review, imagine gaining invaluable insights into your organization’s current wellbeing landscape. We’ll work closely with you to develop a bespoke strategy aimed at enhancing employee wellbeing, securing the necessary resources for implementation, and continuously monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness. Our risk assessment ensures that potential HR risks are mitigated, aligning your wellbeing initiatives with organizational objectives and fostering a supportive and healthy work environment conducive to employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Let's look at the process in more detail

Navigating the labyrinth of how to create a culture of wellbeing that works can be daunting. But there are areas of focus that can clear a smoother path

Develop Wellbeing Strategy

Based on the assessment results, we will develop a tailored wellbeing strategy that addresses your company’s specific needs and promotes employee wellbeing. This strategy may include a range of initiatives such as stress management programs, health and wellness programs, and flexible work arrangements.

Monitor & Evaluate

We will continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the wellbeing strategy and make adjustments as needed. This may involve collecting feedback from employees, monitoring key performance indicators, leadership coaching, and making changes to the strategy based on the results.

Risk Management

As part of the wellbeing strategy, we will implement risk management strategies to identify and address potential hazards in the workplace. This may include safety protocols, training programs, and regular risk assessments.

Workplace Culture Review

We conduct an assessment of your workplace culture to identify potential risks and hazards that may be affecting employee wellbeing including a review of your benefits & training programs, workplace policies, procedures, and practices, as well as surveying employees to gather their feedback and insights.

Negotiate Better Terms

Part of improving your wellbeing strategy may include adjusting terms with your benefits vendors. We can support you in negotiating these terms.

Workshops & Training

Transparent communication, empathy, and conflict resolution skills are crucial to achieving a positive and supportive work environment. Training can help employees and leadership further develop these skills and effectively address conflicts through open communication and non-adversarial resolution methods.

What does Disgruntled Worker Syndrome
have to do with it?

DWS isn’t just a symptom but also are cause of poor workplace culture. No one starts a job disgruntled, this grows over time and can spread across the workforce like a wildfire impacting productivity and morale. And, it has everything to do with mental health.

With 11% of the workforce being Disgruntled Workers who’re actively disengaged and likely to demoralize others, the numbers speak for themselves.

Count Up to 20

Average employee turnover rate

Count Up to 48

People don’t feel psychologically safe @ work

Count Up to 30

Workplace accidents are due to psychological factors

Count Up to 83

Workforce feel overwhelmed at work

Count Up to 30

U.S. employees are engaged

A call to work together

Let’s elevate your workforce and clear the path for better building


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