April 19, 2024 Diane OConnell

Spring has Sprung

But it can bring unwelcome pressure to get things done

Spring has Sprung

Spring is here! At least in NYC. The weather is finally stabilizing so I was able to put my winter coats away. WOOHOO!

Spring always brings about a sense of renewed energy and optimism for me. But along with that it also creates a bit of pressure. The Beatles sang “it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, it feels like years since it’s been here” and, when Spring comes we all feel a sense of relief, rebirth, the optimism of better weather and more activities. But this can also create the pressure of feeling like things need to get done, the weather is nice I should be outside. But as Billy Joel sang: “You have to learn to pace yourself, you’re just like everybody else”.

Point is, we all feel the shift in mood with changing seasons🌦️, both the good and bad. If you live in a place like NYC, where the sunny days of Spring, that break through the gloom of winter, create a sense of urgency to get outside and DO SOMETHING, it can cause conflicted feelings. Is today any different because the weather is nicer? You still have deliverables! 😩

And let’s face it, we, as humans, do not like change, even good change. It affects our sense of stability. So the changing of the seasons will bring about uncertainty and, as such, affect our mood. I think this is where the conflict comes in. We want to enjoy the nice weather, but our brains haven;’ caught up with the fact that it’s here already so we need to get our brains to catch up with the reality. 

But ignoring the opportunity to have the sun warm your face can make you feel like you missed out. And to a degree you have. ☀️

So how do we reconcile our desires and our responsibilities when Spring is tempting us with beautiful blues skies and warmer weather? I’d say it’s more about mindset. Set your priorities. If you know you have the urge to get out and play when the weather improves, make sure to get work done on the dreary days so you have a little leeway on the sunny ones. Decide what your priorities are and plan accordingly. 📆

While this can often be challenging, if you have a clear executable plan on how to handle change, or anything for that matter, your mind will be clear and your perspective adjusted to meet your needs. Setting your brain up for the changes to come creates resiliency and the opportunity to adjust to changes, whether good or bad, easier to manage. And, getting down on yourself is something you absolutely have control over. 😎

So why not consider how you confront change? Do a little preparation and you too can see clearly and remove the obstacles in your way so you can enjoy clearer skies.

Open up so Spring can enter your mind so you can sing: 🎶

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day


Stay well and be aware 🙂 💪🏼

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Diane OConnell