June 7, 2024 Diane OConnell


Why do we strive for it?

Perfectionism… Ah how we drive ourselves to get it just right. Think about how many thoughts, creative works, and ideas have ended up in the rubbish bin, never to see the light of day because of perfectionism. The solution to world hunger may be in a landfill somewhere never to be utlized.

I’ll admit, I used to have this issue when it came to work performance and wellbeing. Yes wellbeing. While counterintuitive, if you’re someone like me, who thinks that if they pursue an activity, doing all the “homework” and practice necessary to master the skills being taught, and it doesn’t work, then you have failed.

When my employer offered the meditation room, gym membership, the Calm app, volunteer opportunities and other wellbeing programs, I tried to take advantage of them. But I couldn’t get away from my desk to go volunteer, I would get interrupted in the meditation room and had no time for the gym. I was exhausted and defeated. Which leads me to how these programs can actually make things worse.
This made me feel worse. Think about it. If someone is having a hard time at work and they use the wellbeing resources available but they don’t help, it can trigger that perfectionism trait and cause the person to feel like there’s some thing wrong with them.

It could make you feel like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz singing:

I could while away the hours
Conferrin’ with the flowers,
Consulting with the rain;
And my head I’d be a scratchin’
While my thoughts are busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain.

So what is the solution to wellbeing benefits? My answer is to supplement them with resources that will help people get their jobs done. Things like:
– Regular feedback and support
– clear expectations of deliverables
– autonomy on how the the job gets done
– reducing administrative tasks for non-administrative personnel

Perfectionism is overrated but also something that motivates us all. So when looking at your wellbeing don’t try to be perfect because sometimes good enough is just right.

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Diane OConnell