December 29, 2023 Diane OConnell

2024 The Year We Outdo Ourselves

But in a Fun Way!

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and welcome in, perhaps hesitantly, 2024, let’s remember: every step into the unknown is a chance to do better, laugh more, and perhaps be a slightly weirder version of ourselves. Remember the Y2K chaos? We stocked up on canned beans, ready for a digital apocalypse, only to learn that our biggest challenge was resetting our VCR clocks. Let’s carry that same resilience (and humor) into the new year.
2024: The Year We Outdo Ourselves (But in a Fun Way!)
Resolution Revolution: This year, let’s make resolutions that are not just about achieving but also about discovering. Whether it’s trying a new type of cheese each month or learning to yodel, every new skill is a step towards a more interesting you.
Embracing the Unfamiliar: With every hobby you try or every unique dish we cook, you’re not just having fun – we’re becoming more adaptable, creative, and open-minded.
Fitness with a Twist: Your fitness goals won’t just be about running faster or lifting heavier, but also about finding joy in movement – be it through a dance-off or a game of Twister.
Mindfulness & Mischief: Let’s be mindful not just in quiet reflection, but also in our capacity to laugh at ourselves and life’s absurdities.
Looking Back to Leap Forward:
Y2K – The Bug That Wasn’t: That millennium bug taught us an important lesson: facing the unknown doesn’t have to be scary. It can be an opportunity to prepare, adapt, and maybe have a good laugh at our own expense.
From the great spaghetti tree hoax to the 2012 end-of-the-world scare, history is filled with quirky reminders that life is unpredictable. Each of these moments is a chance to learn, grow, and find humor in the unexpected.
In The Pogues “Fairytale in New York”, a tumultuous holiday song, about a young couple from Ireland who travel to NYC to find their dream, they end up a wee bit disenfranchised (and drunk) but they end up OK singing “I’ve got a feeling this year’s for me and you.” I always wondered if they knew what they were going to get into would they still have gone on the trip? There’s no way to know. But they have a story to tell because they did.
So let’s make 2024 about embracing our quirks, laughing in the face of adversity, and seizing every opportunity to be and do better. And who knows, by December, we might just be ready to pen our own offbeat Christmas anthem.
Here’s to a year filled with laughter, growth, and embracing the unknown. After all, what’s life without a bit of adventure and a lot of quirk?
Happy New Year! 🎉🎊
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Diane OConnell