January 12, 2024 Diane OConnell

A History of New Years Resolutions

What are they good for?

As the first notes of the new year play,  I was thinking about what my goals are for this years and whether I would meet them. I reminded me of: “How I wish, how I wish you were here. We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year.” These words, from Pink Floyd, echo the sentiments of many as we embark on another year’s journey – a mixture of longing, reflection, and the pursuit of meaning.

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions speaks volumes about our collective yearning for change and growth. This age-old practice, dates back over 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians, and has stood the test of time, evolving into a deeply personal and introspective ritual. 

Initially, these resolutions had a religious connotation, with the Babylonians making promises to their gods at the start of each year, hoping to earn favor and avoid misfortune. This practice was also present in ancient Rome after Julius Caesar established January as the beginning of the new year in honor of Janus, the two-faced god who symbolically looked back into the previous year and ahead into the future. These historical roots highlight our ancestors’ understanding of the new year as a pivotal moment for reflection and intention setting.

Fast forward to the present, the essence of New Year’s resolutions has shifted from religious promises to more  personal goals. And, in a world that’s constantly changing and presenting new challenges, these resolutions give us a sense of control and direction. They are our way of stepping off the ‘same old ground’ and rewriting our narratives.

In essence, New Year’s resolutions are more than just annual goals; they’re reflections of our deepest desires for transformation. Whether it’s committing to a healthier lifestyle, picking up a new hobby, or dedicating more time to laughter and joy, these resolutions represent our hope for a new and improved version of ourselves. They’re a testament to our resilience and our capacity for change.

Resolutions also serve as a beacon of aspiration. They encourage us to dream, to reach for the stars, and to believe in the possibility of a more fulfilling life. Each pledge, whether it be to read more books, travel to new places, or simply be more present with our loved ones, is a step towards a richer, more fullfilling existence.

As we embrace the new year, let’s remember that our resolutions are not just about changing habits; they’re about evolving as individuals and as a community. They’re about finding that new ‘chorus’ in the song of our lives – one that resonates with our true selves and our aspirations for the future.

As we navigate through the ‘fishbowl’ of life, this January presents us with a precious moment to pause and reflect. It’s a time for us to reassess the paths we’ve been treading, to discover novel ways to connect with those around us, and to tenderly honor the memories of those dear to us who we wish were still here. This month beckons us to embrace it as an opportunity – an opportunity to shape a year that not only resonates with our deepest aspirations but also nurtures our wellbeing and upholds the values that bind us together.

In closing, let us perceive January as more than a mere turn of the calendar page. Let it stand as a reminder of our collective journey. This journey, replete with the promise of new beginnings, requires the courage to confront our fears and the resolve to carve a path that truly aligns with our deepest values. Here’s to a January that ignites the hope within us, fortifies our spirits, and guides us towards a year that echoes with the melody of our truest intentions.

Happy New Year! 🎉🎊

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Diane OConnell